Friday, August 5, 2022

Pack Darling Part Two by Lola Rocks

5 Star

Lilah wakes in the hospital and has to decide what she’s going to do now that she’s perfumed. Does she want to stay with the Wyvern Pack even though they’ve treated her horribly, find another forever pack, or enter the rotation where different packs help her through her heats? Since she is unwilling to forgive the Wyvern pack, she opts for rotation but there is still someone after her and she needs to be protected. The Wyvern pack is determined to win her back even if they have to start by being her protector and watch her “date” other packs. When the threat against her only gets worst will they be able to keep her safe?

This starts right where the last one ended and I am happy to report that Lilah does give them so much to work through to make up for being massive assholes in the last book. I loved seeing them find ways to make it up to her, even while she’s telling them they are at the back of the line. One of the best parts of the book was Orion saying to hell with the men I pick Lilah. When all is said and done, I loved Lilah gets to save herself. The guys come in and help her, but she’s already rescued herself. These are the only two books out by this author and it makes me sad as I very much like the writing style of this author and I loved the story.

Book 2 Darling  


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