Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Navigating the Stars by Maria V Snyder

4 Stars

Seventeen-year old Lyra Daniels doesn’t want to move again as it will mean her friends are 50 years in the past.  She can’t blame her parents for wanting to explore the galaxy but that doesn’t make her any happier about once again going through a time jump to a new planet.  She blames the Q-Net for allowing massive space travel by folding space.  When new Terracotta Warriors are discovered on a planet her parents are asked to travel to this new planet to continue their research.  When they arrive the research team starts to find problems with other Terracotta Warrior planets going silent.  Lyra needs to find out why the planets are going silent to prevent it from happening to her new home.

I love Maria V Snyder books.  This one was one I struggled with.  It was very slow to start but there was a point in the story about a third of the way in that it picked up for me and I couldn’t put it down.  Part of that was this was the first book in a new series and so there was a lot of explaining of the world.  The other part is like all of her other books she has a lot of information in her books.  Once I got past the slow part it was a really good book.  Even though Lyra was living in space the struggles she had was just like every other teen.  Almost an adult and wanting freedoms and her parents wanting to protect her.  Looking forward to the next book in the series.

Book 1 Sentinels of the Galaxy

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