Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Filthy Puckboy by Elise Faber


4 Star

Bailey never expected to fall for Axel but she has. How is she supposed to figure things out with him when he's so far away. Plus, her parents are back and they are with her abusive ex. Will they be able to navigate all that's being thrown at them and find some happy?

If you haven't read book 1 you should stop right now as this is a continuous story and you won't be able to follow along without the first book. This one started right where the first ended with a confrontation with Bailey's parents and ex. If you enjoy a walk through of a relationship you will like this book. It takes their struggles and puts it out there. Bailey is the one who struggled the most in this book. Should she trust Axel and let him pay for things she needs or walk away. We see a lot of progress in their relationship and lots of sexy time. Overall, good story and it kept me interested.

Book 2 Rush Hockey Trilogy


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