Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Disorderly Conduct by Rebecca Zanetti

Disorderly Conduct (The Anna Albertini Files Book 1)

4 Stars

Lawyer Anna Albertini expects to see people in orange jumpsuits at work but not her boss.  She never expected to come into work at the DA’s office and see her boss being arrested.  She’s forced to handle all of the work in the office until things are resolved.  Walking into court for her boss she finds the boy who saved her up on the docket.  Anna can’t believe Aiden could have gone that bad since he rescued her.  Between her boss’ arrest and Aiden’s case she is determined to investigate to find the answers to what is going on in her town.

I wanted to like this story more than I did.  It was a well written story and the mystery was interesting, but it left too many questions unanswered.  It wasn’t like some books where you have major cliffhanger type ending but there are some pretty big threads that still need to be tied off.  It will be interesting to see what questions are answered in the next book.

I know the review sounds negative, but it isn’t a bad book which is why 4 stars.  It comes down to personal preference on story for me.  I don’t know if others have a bingo card of book no’s but I do and this one if a lot of those for me.  There was a love triangle, men telling her to stay out of everything, unresolved backstory of the love interest, and a motorcycle gang.  It really is a good book and you should check it out.

Book 1 The Anna Albertini Files

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