Sunday, August 9, 2020

Drowning in Stars by Debra Anastasia

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4 Stars

Content Warning: This book contains physical and sexual violence against minors.  If this subject matter offends please skip the book.  The review will touch on it but not in depth. 

Gaze moved into the building next to Pixie when they were 11.  They were inseparable until one fateful night when Gaze’s father nearly killed him.  Pixie broke both of their hearts by telling the police what happened and saving him but putting herself in danger.  Years later when the system decides to send Gaze back to his father they are reunited, and they will have to find away to work through their past, so they have a future.

This was a really good but heart wrenching book.  Gaze was physically abused by his dad for years and his mother’s family wanted nothing to do with him.  He finally found someone who made him happy and he loses her, and he was devastated by the loss.  When they finally come back together, he’s so happy that she is there until he finds out her stepdad had raped her.  As a reader this was heartbreaking because she had no one she could turn to for help.  There was a small timeline issue for me as in I am not sure when certain things happened to them.  The only ages I am sure on is they met right before their 12 birthdays, were reunited at 17 almost 18 and the end of the book was when they were 19.  This just irritated me a small bit as I wanted to know it but it didn’t take away from the story just a me issue.

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