Saturday, May 4, 2019

Summer Magic by TM Cromer – 5*

*This Post Contain Spoilers*Summer Thorne is set to create a sanctuary for unwanted animals. Sheriff Cooper Carlyle is just as determined to keep his town safe. When Summer’s animals get out he decides the sanctuary is too dangerous and must go. In his quest to get rid of the animals he discovers the Thorne sisters’ secret.

Summer has been in love with Cooper forever. He was mean and cruel when they were in high school and she still thinks he dislikes her when they are adults. This creates great chemistry between the two with their fighting.

One thing I didn’t particularly like was towards the end of the book you find out Summer has a twin sister and that her dad wasn’t really her dad. It made sense for the story but it is a topic that angers me. Adults put their own feelings before the children and made it so the Thorne sisters didn’t know there was another sibling. This was very frustrating. Another issue I had was Coop’s wishy/washy feelings. He was fine with her being a witch then in the next breath OMG you put a love spell on me. One maybe two times of this would have been fine but it was more than that and it did get old. Summer did eventually stop taking him back right away which saved this for me.

I loved the story and I want to read the next one. The chemistry between the characters was great. The story was well written. Even though it is part of a series I didn’t feel like this wasn’t a complete story.

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