Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Securing Sidney by Susan Stoker - book 2 SEAL of Protection: Legacy – 3.5*

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Sidney Hale is determined to rescue dogs no matter what.  She meets Decker when he stops to help her rescue a pit bull who was being hurt.  Decker “Gumby” Kincade has been wanting to adopt a dog for a while now and this pit bull, Hannah, fits what he wants and needs.  Sidney also fits him perfectly and he is determined to keep both of the safe and sound.

I really liked the majority of this story.  Sidney backstory was interesting and it is told in a very interesting way.  You meet Decker in the Securing Caite and he was a good man with good character.  I loved the part about rescuing dogs from dog fights. 

What I didn’t like and what really ruined the book for me was Sidney disregarding all sound logic and put herself and others in danger to rescue the dogs.  I get she wanted to atone for what her brother did while they were growing up but it was a little bit too much.  She puts her life in danger by going after a man who she rescued Hannah from.  She has 3 different altercations with him.  The first was when she met Decker and nothing really bad happens because he is there.  The second time she ends up with cuts and bruises all over.  The third and final time she ends up being taken and thrown in the dog fighting ring.  Decker has to track her and the fight down to rescue her.  The SEAL team and the police rescue her before anything massively bad happens but she does end up with a dog bite to her leg.  Once she is rescued all is forgotten.  There were no consequences for her going off to the bad guy’s house.  Absolutely nothing.  This is one of my biggest pet peeves about books.  Many people in Sidney’s life tell her not to go off and rescue dogs by herself because of the dangers.  She tells Decker she wouldn’t go without backup to prevent her from getting hurt and she does any ways.  It was beyond frustrating.  If she had stumbled across a dog being abused I wouldn’t be upset but she sought out this man and confrontation. 

Overall I enjoyed parts of this book.  Ms. Stoker wrote a good story that had a strong female lead which I enjoy but did not enjoy all aspects of the story.  Still will pick up the next book she puts out.

I was not a fan of Savannah Peachwood.  I didn’t think she made enough changes to the voices for each character.  She also wasn’t that great at reading the male voice.  At times I cringed with her talking.   

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