Wednesday, March 30, 2022

FUBAR by Elise Faber


5 Star

Maggie’s life is in chaos right now. She’s pregnant and the dad has walked away. Her body revolts at anything being put in it so she’s losing wait when she should be gaining it. She’s supposed to be carefree and single instead she’s praying to the porcelain god. Nothing is going the way she expects including her lusting after Carter. She wants him but her life is too crazy to even consider going for what she wants. Can he convince her he’s the man who is going to stick and take care of her and her baby?

I loved these two. The fact that Carter keeps a toothbrush and toothpaste to help her with her morning sickness is adorable. I loved watching her figure out he was all in, and nothing is going to change that. I love the twists and turns the story takes. I also loved how their personalities balanced each other. She was outgoing and over the top while he was way more reserved and willing to be in the background to support. The story just worked. This is book 5 but you do not have to have read the other 4 to read this one and understand it. Will it help yes but you don’t have to.

Book 5 Life Sucks


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