Sunday, January 10, 2021

Grave War by Kalayna Price


3.5/4 Star

Alex has formed an uneasy truce with the Faerie world.  She’s been assigned as lead investigator for the Fae Investigation Bureau (FIB).  As the lead in FIB it is her job to maintain the balance between the humans and fae.  On her second day there is an explosion at the Eternal Bloom that threatens every Fae on the human plain.  Alex needs to find another door into faerie as well as track down who is taking out the doors to the human plain before every fae fades.

This one is I am very much on the fence for the rating.  I enjoyed the book a lot, but it is the final book in the series, and I was left wanting.  She wrapped up somethings but there were some loose ends…at least in my mind.  I wanted to know what happened with some of the humans who have been in the other books and they weren’t mentioned at all.  One of the other plot issues I had was we were used to seeing all her other friends and this one is very much just her trying to figure everything out.  She doesn’t have anyone helping her other than a couple of FIB agents to begin with and then later Falin but only briefly.  We do finally meet Alex’s brother, but no details are given as to how he ended up where he did and why he was there.  We also don’t get to see her really come into her powers.  She’s still learning and gets named Falin’s consort as well as High Queen.  We just never really get to see what all she can do at all.  Here’s hoping there is a spinoff series that brings these characters back to get more of it tied up.

Book 7 Alex Craft


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