Thursday, June 20, 2024

Gargoyle Gripe by Sabrina Cassidy

3 Stars

When your witchy family has lived on Monster Island for generations there’s certain standards to uphold.

Too bad my only claim to magic is being able to heal people through baking. A power my ex-fiancé Brad never fails to give me grief over. After he cheated and left me, I buried myself in pastries. It was better to be alone than to trust my heart to anyone else.

But when Drake, my secret crush, a tall, brooding gargoyle hot enough to stop me in my tracks, comes in for my famous banana bread, I offer to whip him up a batch quickly.

Betrayed by bread, it backfires and creates a temporary matebond between the two of us. Now we have a month of being stuck together—every time we’re more than ten feet away we pass out.

It should have been too claustrophobic having a seven-foot stoic gargoyle following my every step, but Drake is easy going, considerate, and too hot for the tiny kitchen. But my temporary mate is carrying scars from his past and getting him to open up is harder than tempering chocolate in a heat wave.

As the month continues, it’s harder to remember the “temporary” part of the matebond. My quiet life alone now seems lonely, and I can’t forget the feel of Drake’s massive wings wrapped around me.

When Brad resurfaces, demanding I help him or he’ll sabotage my floundering efforts, his threats could blow up everything I’m trying to rebuild.

Because when the month is over, I don’t think I’m going to be able to sever this temporary matebond.

Gargoyle Gripe is a sweet monster romcom about a love forged in cookie dough and bad reality TV shows.

I liked this better than Hot Wolf in the City by Honey Phillips. It felt like a complete story. I still want more world building but this time the characters felt developed. I loved Drake as he was a sweetheart and Evie was also another marshmallow character. They worked together and I want more with them and their friends.

Part of Monster Mate Mayhem


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