Friday, June 14, 2024

Beauty and the Orc by Finley Fenn

1 Star

She was ruined by an orc. Now his enraged ex wants to finish the job…

In a world of orcs and powerful men, Kitty Clarendon is a bubbly, beautiful woman about town — until she’s dumped by her benefactor and thrown onto the streets. And as she’s drowning her sorrows, she meets… an orc.

He’s rash, reckless, and on the rebound — but his laugh is contagious, his touch warm and wicked. And for one perfect, forbidden night, he’s all Kitty’s darkest dreams come true…

But by morning, there’s only shame. Regret. And the orc quickly makes his escape, abandoning Kitty to a devastating discovery…

She’s been compromised. With his… orcling.

But the orc never returns, and Kitty is left ill, impoverished, and hopeless. Until finally, another orc finds her. Varinn, of Clan Grisk.

The first orc’s best friend.

And… his very recent ex.

Varinn can’t hide his jealousy, or his bitter, broken rage — but he refuses to leave Kitty behind. And soon she’s under his stern supervision, and on her way to Orc Mountain. Back to the orc who so cruelly spurned her. The orc who’s been losing his own battles, and still longs for Varinn’s firm handling… and his heart.

And can Kitty bring two hostile, heartbroken orcs back together, for her orcling’s sake? Or will they break her own heart, too?

This book never ended. It was so long and repetitive with no forward movement in the story. I hated how passive Kitty was and let herself be abused by everyone. Varinn was just a dick and the other was so troubled. The one who was troubled was an addict and that was handled nicely in the book. Overall, this was by far the worst book in the series.

Book 8 Orc Sworn


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