Saturday, June 22, 2024

Burnt Heart by Mae Pierce

2 Stars

It wasn't a proposal, like I expected. But a break-up.

In the shadowy underworld of Greenich Bay, even my status as the Orazio heir couldn’t shield me from heartbreak. Jesse, Logan, and Briar, the ones I trusted most, shattered me after five years of love. No proposal, just betrayal. Vengeance drove me into the arms of my ex-fiancĂ©, a rival crime family scion.

Let them see how quickly I can move on. They don’t need to know that our arrangement is fake.

But with my life in danger, I am forced to rely on them again. They use the opportunity to beg for my forgiveness. But the pain from their betrayal still smolders. How can one mend a scorched heart?

We broke our girl's heart.

A desperate, last ditch decision severed us from our soulmate. Dark secrets drove us to wound the woman we cherished. Now, we must confront our past to secure our future. When Adelaide becomes a target of a ruthless enemy, determined to end her life, we won’t stop until we earn her back.

Healing a burnt heart is never easy, but our unwavering devotion burns hotter than ever.

I liked the idea of this book but the actual implementation didn’t work for me. The guys majorly screwed up and were forgiven way too fast for what they did. They were stupid and then expected an apology would fix all they broke. That’s all they do is apologize and nothing else. I am going to pass on 2.

Book 1 Toxic Hearts


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