Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Crushed by Elise Faber

3.5 Stars

Lily used to be like Will’s little sister but now she’s all grown up and needs his help. She’s supposed to be off limits and just there for a fresh start, but they can’t seem to stay away from each other. When Lily’s past comes back to haunt them will they come together, or will they split up?

I wanted to like this more than I did. I enjoyed Lily and Will a lot and their relationship was fun to see it go from friends to lovers. My issue was there was something that happened to Lily that is never explained. I figured it was talking around it to have them explain it later for the conflict. I was sort of right about this, but it literally was NEVER explained. It’s alluded to but not explained. It’s vital to the story as Lily spirals throughout the book because of this big thing. I felt it needed to be said. I loved the breakup scenes. They were able to finally admit their feelings for each other. The other big issue was Will’s mom. She plays a pretty big role in this book, and I wanted to know how she knew about Lily’s big bad secret. This was a secret that no one was to know but somehow this woman knew about it. Overall, it was a good read and I enjoyed it. I just wanted some clarity.

Book 18 Gold Hockey


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