Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Save a Life Tell a Lie by Sedona Ashe

4 Stars

Stalker or vampire?

The choice is yours, but if you make the wrong one…

You die.

He’s spent months watching my every move. Stalking me from the shadows, waiting for the right moment.

When he strikes, I’m not ready.

I’m surrounded by strangers, and far from anyone who might have cared, or at the very least, noticed if I suddenly disappeared.

He’s closing the distance, leaving me with a terrifying choice: take my chances with my stalker, or seek help from a monster more powerful than him. Making the wrong choice could cost me my life.

Risking it all, I throw myself at an extraordinarily handsome stranger. A stranger who just happens to be a vampire. He also happens to be the crown prince of vampires, and he’s disgusted by humans.

I haven’t even been bitten yet, and my life already sucks.

It’s too late to rethink my plan, and I’m out of options. I beg the stranger to claim he knows me.

Instead, the vampire claims me.

But my stalker isn’t ready to admit defeat, and the vampire I sought refuge with isn’t willing to let me go.

A stalker. A vampire. A choice that might end my life.

This was on the shorter side but such a good read. It’s not a complete story and you do need to read the next one. There’s no development in the characters or world building but it still worked for me. I do wish there was some world building to explain things but still loved it.

Book 1 Flawed Fates


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