Saturday, July 20, 2024

Messing with my Brother’s Best Friend by Sam Hall

3 Stars

It was a decision made from one part desperation and one part need for revenge… I moved into their house, but they quickly moved into my mind every waking minute of every freaking day. Because they’re different than I remember:

Van was always the golden boy with the cheeky smile. Now that smile has a hungry edge that is saved just for me.

Gage was always tall and silent, but he’s a wall of hard muscle now and part of me wants to find out exactly how big.

And Connor? With those dimples and that cocky attitude, he’s got trouble written all over him.

Well, it turns out the joke’s on me.

I might be the one engaging in juvenile pranks this time, but these three guys are determined to play the biggest prank of all.

To get me back—in their life, in their bed, in their hearts.

The guys were such dicks to Kendall while she was growing up. They did sort of make it up to her when they end up together. I did have questions as to why Kendall’s family wasn’t helping her at all. She was just left on her own and it was never really explained why they didn’t help her. Overall, it was a fine read.


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