Sunday, September 15, 2024

Save a Vamp Take a Crown by Sedona Ashe

4 Stars

A week ago, if someone told me I’d be trying to talk a vampire into feeding from me…

I would’ve laughed in their face.

Love has a way of making people do crazy things.

Zyon is my vampire soulmate, and I have the bite marks to prove it.

But we have to keep our romance a secret… for now.

I can’t imagine being with anyone else, but the vampire queen commanded me to step back and pretend Zyon hasn’t already claimed me as his mate.

I swear, if I see one more woman fawn over him, I might just snap. The only reason I haven’t lost it is because Zyon is making it very clear to every single person in the castle that he only wants me… so the vampire women trying to steal him away from me can suck it!

Adding to my list of worries is the way my body seems to have a mind of its own… as though something inside me is desperate to get out. I have a feeling that whatever is locked away isn’t interested in playing nice with my soon-to-be vampire family.

And did I mention I feel like I’m being watched?

But that’s impossible, right?

Journee puts up with so much in this book. MMC had 0 backbone and that frustrated me soooooo much. The twist at the end was a major surprise and was very interesting. Interested in seeing where the next book takes us.

Book 2 Flawed Fates


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