Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pirate Witch by Marie Mistry

4 Stars

My name is Nilsa.

I am the last living Shadow.

Mate to six broken immortal pirates.

And now the world knows.

For centuries, the Eagle of Galmere has been butchering the other races to create the Mortal Cure, an elixir that gives her the illusion of immortality. The human queen’s obsession with living forever has crippled empires, maimed countless innocents, and enslaved hundreds more—including my men.

I'm the only one capable of ending her blood soaked reign, but what if the cost is far worse than we'd ever imagined?

This is one of the best series I’ve read lately. It flowed nicely and the characters were well written. I loved the give and take between FMC and her men. The solution for taking out the evil queen was amazing but one scene broke my heart but it was needed for reasons. Would love to see some of the secondary characters stories.

Book 3 Deadwood


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