Monday, September 9, 2024

Twisted Ties by Hannah Haze

4 Stars

Secret memories locked in my head, an assassin on my tail, and strange powers I shouldn't possess are the least of my problems. Because now I'm bonded to a man I barely know.

My body may be pulled towards him, but my heart can't forgive his betrayal.

And he isn't the only one.

I'm sick of being treated this way and I'm sick of not knowing who I really am.

No more secrets. No more lies.

I'm determined to learn the truth.

No matter what the cost.

More information is revealed in this book for everyone. I still love Rhi but the guys are still irritating me. OOOPPPSS I guess we’re fated so sorry for being a dick was the mantra. This is not a grovel and I don’t like guys who screw up not making it up. I still loved the progress in this book but again it ends on another cliff and it royal sucks.

Book 2 Arrow Hart Academy


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