Thursday, September 19, 2024

Demi’s Guardian by Kitt Lynn

3 Stars


Demi might be the most captivating woman I've ever met. She's smart, funny, and unbelievably beautiful. And she's so clearly out of my league.

But that doesn't mean I can't admire her. Protect her. And maybe even love her from afar.


I've never been one for love and all that nonsense. I've spent too many years pretending to love alphas who used my body for their own pleasure. Most were kind, and few I even grew to adore, but I'm not dumb enough to believe they had any real feelings for me.

No. Love isn't for me.

But fun? Now that's something I'm good at.

Very consistent with the other books in the series. There isn’t a big bad like other books. It was all about Demi transitioning. I enjoyed the transition aspect but I loved how Max fell for her as a beta. It didn’t change when they got together and she became an omega. I loved that he was willing to travel for her since she had an itch to move around.

Book 3 Casin Village


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Broken Howl by Katie May and Ann Denton

4 Stars

As an omega, my job is to be the docile female—smile when they tell me to, do whatever the alphas say, and wait for the moon tide ritual when I’ll finally find my true mates.

Nobody can tell how truly broken I am inside.

When I find my perfect mates—two powerful, possessive alphas and one flirty beta—I decide to do the unspeakable.

Reject them.

Why would they want to be with someone as messed up and jaded as me? Someone who’s been used and spit out more times than I care to count?

But these shifter men? They refuse to let me go.

A twist of fate lands me on Reject Island, only…I’m not alone. I’m being hunted by the very three men I rejected—the men who still set my skin ablaze with every look in my direction.

They’re dangerous, psychotic, and possessive. And they want to see me pay.

Add into the mix a sweet, damaged delta I meet on the island, and I’m up to my elbows in sexy wolf shifters.

But the truth is…

I didn’t only run from my mates to spare them the pain of being with me. There’s someone after me, someone bad, and if he finds me, all of our lives will be forfeit.

Will I learn how to scream to the moon? Or will my howl always remain broken?

This was a hard read for what happens to Teegan but I loved how she gets out of the problem. The guys bar 2 were jackasses and needed to do more groveling. I also wanted to know what happened with the pack but that was kind of brushed away.

Part of the Reject Island Series


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Save a Vamp Take a Crown by Sedona Ashe

4 Stars

A week ago, if someone told me I’d be trying to talk a vampire into feeding from me…

I would’ve laughed in their face.

Love has a way of making people do crazy things.

Zyon is my vampire soulmate, and I have the bite marks to prove it.

But we have to keep our romance a secret… for now.

I can’t imagine being with anyone else, but the vampire queen commanded me to step back and pretend Zyon hasn’t already claimed me as his mate.

I swear, if I see one more woman fawn over him, I might just snap. The only reason I haven’t lost it is because Zyon is making it very clear to every single person in the castle that he only wants me… so the vampire women trying to steal him away from me can suck it!

Adding to my list of worries is the way my body seems to have a mind of its own… as though something inside me is desperate to get out. I have a feeling that whatever is locked away isn’t interested in playing nice with my soon-to-be vampire family.

And did I mention I feel like I’m being watched?

But that’s impossible, right?

Journee puts up with so much in this book. MMC had 0 backbone and that frustrated me soooooo much. The twist at the end was a major surprise and was very interesting. Interested in seeing where the next book takes us.

Book 2 Flawed Fates


Friday, September 13, 2024

Shattered Stars by Hannah Haze

4 Stars

The more I discover about my mysterious past, the deeper I'm pulled into a web of mysteries, secrets and lies

And the more I'm pulled towards the men fate has destined are mine.

Well fate can go to hell.

I can't forget the way they’ve treated me and I certainly can’t forgive the hurt.

I won't give in to my feelings no matter how much they plead.

At least that's my plan until fate intervenes again and throws all our lives into danger.

So frustrated by the end of this book. It ends on a cliff and the next book isn’t out. More info is revealed and Rhi has more magic than we know. Curious to see where the last book takes us. The guys don’t really make up for being dicks but I loved how they’ve all fallen. Can’t wait for the conclusion.

Book 3 Arrow Hart Academy


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Save a Life Tell a Lie by Sedona Ashe

4 Stars

Stalker or vampire?

The choice is yours, but if you make the wrong one…

You die.

He’s spent months watching my every move. Stalking me from the shadows, waiting for the right moment.

When he strikes, I’m not ready.

I’m surrounded by strangers, and far from anyone who might have cared, or at the very least, noticed if I suddenly disappeared.

He’s closing the distance, leaving me with a terrifying choice: take my chances with my stalker, or seek help from a monster more powerful than him. Making the wrong choice could cost me my life.

Risking it all, I throw myself at an extraordinarily handsome stranger. A stranger who just happens to be a vampire. He also happens to be the crown prince of vampires, and he’s disgusted by humans.

I haven’t even been bitten yet, and my life already sucks.

It’s too late to rethink my plan, and I’m out of options. I beg the stranger to claim he knows me.

Instead, the vampire claims me.

But my stalker isn’t ready to admit defeat, and the vampire I sought refuge with isn’t willing to let me go.

A stalker. A vampire. A choice that might end my life.

This was on the shorter side but such a good read. It’s not a complete story and you do need to read the next one. There’s no development in the characters or world building but it still worked for me. I do wish there was some world building to explain things but still loved it.

Book 1 Flawed Fates


Monday, September 9, 2024

Twisted Ties by Hannah Haze

4 Stars

Secret memories locked in my head, an assassin on my tail, and strange powers I shouldn't possess are the least of my problems. Because now I'm bonded to a man I barely know.

My body may be pulled towards him, but my heart can't forgive his betrayal.

And he isn't the only one.

I'm sick of being treated this way and I'm sick of not knowing who I really am.

No more secrets. No more lies.

I'm determined to learn the truth.

No matter what the cost.

More information is revealed in this book for everyone. I still love Rhi but the guys are still irritating me. OOOPPPSS I guess we’re fated so sorry for being a dick was the mantra. This is not a grovel and I don’t like guys who screw up not making it up. I still loved the progress in this book but again it ends on another cliff and it royal sucks.

Book 2 Arrow Hart Academy


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Grim Tidings by Amanda Lee

2 Stars

Grim(ace) while you work ... Aisling Grimlock is having a bad week. Well, actually, she’s having a bad life -- not that she's complaining. Okay, she's totally complaining. After being laid off from her secretarial position, she has no choice but to join the family business, and now she’s a full-time grim reaper. That’s right. She collects and transfers souls to the hereafter. Cool, huh? Not quite. On the second day of her new job, Aisling (literally!) stumbles over a dead body that’s not on her list and the stakes are suddenly raised because, when a name isn’t on the list, that means someone stole it (and that's never a good thing). Aisling’s family, which consists of a tempestuous father and four overbearing older brothers, are hot on the case – but the answers they’re coming up with aren’t exactly soothing. It seems a contingent of wraiths have descended on the area, and they’re not just dangerous for unsuspecting souls and the general populace. The Grimlock family is at risk, too. If that weren’t bad enough, Aisling finds herself inexplicably drawn to Detective Griffin Taylor – the police officer who considers her a murder suspect. Oh, and she's a wraith-magnet -- although, truth be told, she's more interested in Detective Taylor. Aisling is determined to prove that she has what it takes to be a great reaper – even if it means risking her life and proving her father and brothers wrong when it comes to her competence level. When things finally become clear, will Aisling survive long enough to make things right? Or, will she fall prey to the wraiths and the individual controlling them?

Good idea but you need actual movement in the story. Instead it’s just sibling fighting throughout the book. It was cute at first but the more fighting that took place the more I wanted to bash heads together. There was a major pacing issue as well. As I said nothing happens in this book. It’s a couple things here and there but no forward movement with no world building. The idea is cute but not implemented well. Going to pass on the other books.

Book 1 Aisling Grimlock


Thursday, September 5, 2024

Fractured Fate by Hannah Haze

4 Stars

Fate wouldn’t tie me to these men, would it?

Sent to the ruthless academy for magicals after years hiding from the authorities, I'm behind, poor and, with my pet pig in tow, struggling to fit in.

No surprises I'm picked out for ridicule by the other students - as well as the teachers.

And four men in particular seem determined to make my life here hell.

The man who caught me.

My grumpy, sharp-tongued professor.

The star of the school's dueling team.

And the academy's deadly heart-breaker.

They all find their own special way of torturing me, but I'm determined not to bow.

I hate them.

And yet when I'm with them, I feel like a fish on a hook, tugged in their direction, my insides swirling with a lot more than simply hate.

Is this magic or something far more dangerous?

I loved this academy book. Rhy made the book. She was kept hidden and away from the magical for a reason but we still don’t know why by the end of the book. The guys are major dicks throughout. Winnie is the best BFF ever. She draws Rhi out and gets her to open up. I loved Pip the pig as the pet. You don’t normally see pigs as pets, so I liked it. This does end on a cliff and luckily the next is out otherwise I would be mad. The book is building up to an interesting story but not quite there yet.

Book 1 Arrow Hart Academy


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

PS You’re Intolerable by Julia Wolf

5 Stars

My boss, Elliot Levy is intolerable, and I tell him so everyday…in the little notes I write and then hide in the back of my desk.

I can’t exactly say to his face that I’m convinced he’s a cyborg, considering I'm about to become a single mother and I really need to keep my job as his assistant.

Elliot never looks at me, so he doesn’t even notice I’m pregnant until I’m seven months along. The first thing he asks is if I’m planning to come back to work once I have the baby.

Not unexpected.

What is unexpected is Elliot coming to my rescue when I need a place to stay after my daughter is born. While living with him, I get to see a whole other side of him…especially when he walks around his house without a shirt on.

Which he does, ALL. THE. TIME.

I shouldn’t look, but I can’t help it. He’s gorgeous in a suit, but out of one? Devastating.

Elliot shows me he isn’t the heartless robot I once thought. It’s still terrifying to take a chance on him, even when he holds my baby like she’s precious to him, and he touches me like he’s been longing to for ages.

Now that he has me, he isn’t letting me go without a fight.

And Elliot Levy didn’t get where he is in business without learning a few underhanded tricks. What will he do to keep me? To keep us?

P.S. I think I’m falling for you.

This was a surprise read for me. I find this on Instagram and sometimes those books aren’t good but this hit all the marks for me. I loved the main characters. The notes FMC made every day before she would go and talk with MMC were hilarious. When he found them and got a kick out of them I laughed so hard. It was such a cute thing for her to do. The pacing was great and I loved the world building in this book. I loved how MMC was with FMC and her baby Joey. I will definitely be picking more books up by this author.


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Destined Mate by Jen L Grey

2.5 Stars

Fate stripped everything from me and forced me to face my worst nightmare.

As the adopted and weakest member of my pack, I’ve always been an outcast and mistreated, especially since I've never been able to shift into my animal form.

Every time I try to find a way to escape my personal hell, my pack leader stops me, vowing that I'll never be free from him.

Then the worst happens.

A group of my pack members attack me.

Alone, outnumbered, and stuck in my human form, I'll fight for my life even though there’s no hope for survival.

Until a group of unfamiliar wolves come to my aid.

The sexiest and strongest of them, Bodey, is adamant to protect me.

And something inside me tugs toward him almost unnaturally.

But it turns out things aren't what they seem.

There might be something more to my past than I knew . . . and Bodey might be the very person I need protecting from.

The idea of this series is a good one but you have to be really stupid to not figure out the outcome of the book. And I don’t mean who she ends up with or the general plot. I mean who the FMC is and how important she is. It was a nice set up but it frustrated me so much. I got through this one and started the next and quickly DNF. Going to try a different book by this author.

Book 1 Twisted Fate
