Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Surviving Contempt by Jade Thorn

4 Stars

Melody has started her new coven and she’s trying to build allies with the council and covens all while taking on her aunt. Her aunt is determined to take down the current power and take over the world to form her ideal world. This would destroy everything Melody holds dear and she will do anything she can to fix it so her aunt is no longer a worry. Will Melody and her men succeed?

This one was so long. It felt like it should have been two books, but I am not complaining as everything major was wrapped up. I loved this series and this book wrapped up the story nicely. There are some plot points left unanswered, but she has a new series coming out in November that will hopefully answer some of them. Melody and her men get their happy ending. I am curious to see if they show up in the next book. Overall, the series was worth the read and you should check it out.

Book 5 Of Magic and Contempt


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