Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Ruby Fever by Ilona Andrews


3 Star

The day starts out with the head of the Assembly being murdered, Linus is attacked and, in a coma, and a Russian Prince shows up on Catalina and Alessandro doorstep. Catalina is made acting warden while Linus is out of commission, and she needs to track down those responsible while preparing for a House war. Can she rely on Alessandro to help her through all of this when he’s not sleeping, taking as many jobs as possible, and taking late night phone calls in Italian?

This was just an ok read. It does wrap up somethings nicely such as Alessandro’s family and how Catalina can keep him as her husband. Also who is the grandfather of the girls which I had figured out in book one with Nevada but was nice to have it confirmed. It just felt like things dragged on in this book. I normally blow through these books, and this was not the case with this one. It also left somethings open and as of right now no plans for future books which kind of sucks. Overall, it was good to get some conclusions but was left wanting.

Book 6 Hidden Legacy


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